When I first signed up for Global Ed, i was expecting it to be like every other normal class I had taken in the past. When I got there on the first day I was surprised to see that I was wrong. I don't know exactly what persuaded me to do this program, but I think it was because some friends of mine talked me into it. The first few weeks were tough, and I was mad at myself for decicding to take this program. Now that it is the end of the semester I have realized how much this program has helped me and how much it has helped me to become a better writer. It has also given me more knowledge about the world around us.
Our first assignment in english class was to write about our first day of high school. Now I for one thought this was going to be easy, I mean I just had to explain my day right? I was wrong. Mr.Fielder wanted us to write an introduction that caught the attention of the reader, and he also wanted our paragraphs to flow into eachother so the paper would make more sense. I did my best and did what he said, feeling confident when I turned in my paper. When I got my paper back graded there was a lot of feedback and recommendations. I was told to stay focused and keep one point, and also to incorporate dialouge somewhere into my paper. My introduction was not the best so I decided to write that as well. Through that I learned that writing a paper is not as easy as it may seem. I have become a much stronger writer being taught to "struggle" in my writing. I learned to take corrections and make mistakes in order for the paper to be at it's best. Writing a paper in high school is much different then writing one in middle school. Staying on one main point when I need to is the biggest thing I have learned, and not cluttering my writing but to get to the point.
When we got to learn about Rwanda, I got the chance to learn more about the genocide that occured there in 1994. I learned that out of the many groups who were fighting, the Hutu's and the Tutsi's played a major role. Back when the Belgians arrived to Rwanda, they took over and handed out identity cards seperating the people of Rwanda into the two groups of either a Hutu or a Tutsi. The Belgians gave government power to the Tutsi's in the beginning, and that is a main reason on why the war was fought. The Hutu's felt discriminated against, so when they got in control of the government they felt it was "payback" time. They took control and murdered many Tutsi's along the way. When the United Nations came in to stop it, things only began to get worse. Since people back in the United States and other countries did not have a general idea of what was going on, no one wanted to help the Rwandans. Because that happened, the United Nations were sent back home, with little hope of the Tutsi's gaining power back.
Another thing I learned while reasearching papers to understand history, was being able to find a credible source. Most articles I found when researching history were from wikipedia, and all sorts of different websites. To me it seemed the best articles were from the websites that were not considered "credible sources." Ones that were from schools, or written by people who do not have a general idea of the topic, were not the best credible sources. Ones from websites such as bbc, and wikipedia could be trusted as credible sources. The last thing we needed when writing a paper was to get the wrong information. I have been taught which websites would be credible sources and which ones are acceptable when writing a paper.
While we were still on the topic of Rwanda, we got to have a class debate on the genocide. This was my first class debate, and I'm sure it was a first for a lot of others as well. I didn't know what to expect and to be honest I was a little nervous as to what was heading my way with this debate. I was in a group with Chloe and Alexi, and we were representing the Interhamwe. We were sort of the "bad people" in the genocide, so some fingers were pointed at us often, although not as much as I expected. I learned through the experience that debates are a big help in understanding topics better. I was only focused on researching what my group, the Interahamwe did, so when we went around the room and read our opening paragraphs, I learned a lot more about each and every one of the groups. We were asked questions, and we were taught to debate back and forth to accusations from others. I also learned that for any debate we must also have somewhat of a background knowledge in order to be able to debate. Becoming involved in the debate also has a big part in our grades and the defendence of our group.
Through my first experience in Global Ed, I also learned a lot about culture events. Visiting all different places and learning new things taught me to look at things in a different persepective. These culture events helped me to become a better writer as well. On my first culture event, I got a B+, which isn't bad for a first time, but I could have done better. I was told that I needed to describe my trip to Washington D.C., and better explain what it was I saw while I was there. I learned that I need to incorporate my feelings and what it was I enjoyed during this trip into my paper. When visiting the Eleanor and Edsel Ford house, I got to learn what life was like back in time. I learned about the different fashions, the different styles of the home, and what the people who lived there were like. When I went to Washington D.C., I got to learn about all the different monuments, and the past history of them all. At the Henry Ford Estate, I learned how cars were made, and how the Ford family grew up. It showed me what life was like comparing back then to now. It has given me a better view of history, and how much I can learn from it. Overall I have learned to become a better writer, and to take my corrections and mistakes and learn from them. Another main thing I learned was never wait until the last minute to work on your culture event. (:
Friday, January 22, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
If I were a native, what country would I be from?
If I had to choose to be a native from one of countries we discussed, I would choose South Africa.
One of the main reasons I would choose to be a native from South Africa is because they still have a say in the government today.
Friday, December 11, 2009
It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year (:

Ahh, Christmas time! This has to be one of my favorite times of the year, and not just because of the presents, but because of the great times it brings. Sure the presents are nice, I mean come on who couldn't agree with that! I feel Christmas is a time to spend with your family, and enjoy the company with them.
Another one of my favorite parts of Christmas time is the snow. I absolutly love when it snows. Sure I could go without the cold weather but everything looks so pretty and perfect when it has just snowed. I love to go sledding in the snow also. I like skiing and snowboarding to, but i'm not very good at either of them. One time when my family and I went snowboarding, I literally fell about every 5 minutes. It was my first time going and it was fun, and I would definetely go again, I just think I need a little bit of practice first.
Christmas music always puts me in the spirit of Christmastime. Although they plan it a little early, it's still a lot of fun to listen too! Putting up the Christmas tree is always something fun my family & I do after Thanksgiving. We never normally get a real Christmas tree for some reason, but we still get to decorate it and everything. My house is also very decortive because my dad put up a ton of lights and decorations. I always like to see all the different decorations people put up!
For Christmas Eve, my family and I go over to my grandparents house. We get to eat a lovely meal, and then we go upstairs to open up presents. After that we get dessert. Soon after that we leave to go home, because my little sister has to get home fast to get to bed early! She still puts out those cookies for Santa..haha. On Christmas Eve my sisters and I also get to decorate cookies. (:
Early Christmas morning I am always woken up by my little sister saying "Katelyn! Get up it's Christmas!" I sigh and roll over everytime and say "Ugh! Give me 5 more minutes! " Of course she wouldn't listen to me so I get dragged out of bed around 7:30 or 8 every Christmas. We all open our presents, then I usually just go back to bed because I am still exhausted. Later that day we go over to my other grandpa and grandma's house to open presents and eat dinner together. It's always a fun night!
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Rwandan Genocide: Our First Class Debate

My opinion of this genocide is that everyone is at fault. I believe that each group involved in this genocide has had a part in what has happened, and has also had an ending part in the result of it.
Belgium, in my opinion was one of the main reasons for the beggining of this genocide. Belgium people emerged into Rwanda with no background or known history of the Rwandans. They entered the country because they were in charge. They proposed numerous economic, social, and political changes and even gave out identity cards to determine who was a Tutsi and who was a Hutu. This is when conflict started over who had more economic power, which resulted in wars being fought. The Interahamwe is also to blame because they were one of the main killers in this situation. Juvenal Habyarimana is also a huge contributer to this genocide. He & his radio station brainwashed the Hutu's which is why they killed so many people. They were brainwashed but some even say the Interahawe killed those to save their own lives because it was either kill or be killed. The Hutu's also killed others for advantage of food, and land.
Paul Kagame and The Rwandan Patriotic Front were also a contributer because they also killed many people. They killed the Interahawe because they wanted them to stop killing the Rwandan people. They felt it was neccesary to do this in order to stop the conflict when it fact it made it a little more worse. The United States decided to have no part in this genocide, but instead sat back and watched it happen. They wanted nothing to do with it, but wouldn't you want to try and protect those who are being killed for no reason? Apparently not. The United Nations also wanted no part in this conflict so they sat back and also watched the many people be killed. This is not right, which is why I feel all groups are at fault here.
During our first class discussion I was very surprised at how it turned out. I was afraid that the group I was representing,(The Interahamwe) was going to be mostly at fault, and that all the finers would be pointed torwards us. I sure was wrong. I watched as the first group stepped up and picked a discussion topic. It was as soon as they were done talking the bickering starting. People were all pointing fingers at different groups, all for different reasons. No one was afraid to say what they felt and I thought that was really neat. The bickering continued for awhile, until our group got picked on. I discussed the matter with my fellow partners, and we spoke what we felt was right in order to stick up for our group. People must have understood our point of view for awhile because the topic was quickly changed, moving on to a new discussion.
Overall, I felt this discussion was very fun and educational. I learned a lot about the Rwandan Genocide, and that every fight has many different people invloved, all with different viewpoints.
Friday, November 6, 2009
"The American Scholar"
Emerson’s argument in “The American Scholar” about American society still holds true today.
One reason Emerson’s argument still holds true today is because people who have only one job, are only taught one certain skill for that job, and they don’t get the chance to explore other things. Like a doctor for example is only taught how to treat patients and try to cure them, but they wouldn’t think about the patients feelings much like a physiatrist would. “In the divided or social state, these functions are parceled out to individuals, each of whom aims to do his stint of the joint work, whilst each other performs his. The fable implies that the individual, to possess himself, must sometimes return from his own labor to embrace all the other laborers. But, unfortunately, this original unit, this foundation of power, has been so distributed to multitudes, has been so minutely subdivided and peddled out, that it is spilled into drops, and cannot be gathered.”
Another reason Emerson’s argument still holds true today is because people are defined by the type of job they do. For example, when you think of people who work at Target, the first thing you think is that they aren’t educated, and they probably just have a high school degree. When in reality the truth is that they just can’t seem to find a job with the economy. Emerson explains that “The planter, who is Man sent out into the field to gather food, is seldom cheered by any idea of the true dignity of his ministry. He sees his bushel and his cart, and nothing beyond, and sinks into the farmer, instead of Man on the farm.” Although it is true man is determined by his job, I feel this isn’t right because no matter what the job is, they all have their own importance and specialty.
One reason Emerson’s argument still holds true today is because people who have only one job, are only taught one certain skill for that job, and they don’t get the chance to explore other things. Like a doctor for example is only taught how to treat patients and try to cure them, but they wouldn’t think about the patients feelings much like a physiatrist would. “In the divided or social state, these functions are parceled out to individuals, each of whom aims to do his stint of the joint work, whilst each other performs his. The fable implies that the individual, to possess himself, must sometimes return from his own labor to embrace all the other laborers. But, unfortunately, this original unit, this foundation of power, has been so distributed to multitudes, has been so minutely subdivided and peddled out, that it is spilled into drops, and cannot be gathered.”
Another reason Emerson’s argument still holds true today is because people are defined by the type of job they do. For example, when you think of people who work at Target, the first thing you think is that they aren’t educated, and they probably just have a high school degree. When in reality the truth is that they just can’t seem to find a job with the economy. Emerson explains that “The planter, who is Man sent out into the field to gather food, is seldom cheered by any idea of the true dignity of his ministry. He sees his bushel and his cart, and nothing beyond, and sinks into the farmer, instead of Man on the farm.” Although it is true man is determined by his job, I feel this isn’t right because no matter what the job is, they all have their own importance and specialty.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Halloween :)

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. I especially like it because it is in the fall, and the fall is one of my favorite seasons because of all the leaves that fall. Also it's the time of the year where you get to go get cider and donuts! :) On Halloween, I enjoy going out with my friends to go trick-or-treating. (and before you ask, no i don't think we are too old to still go trick-or-treating, ha ha) Normally me and my friends dress up, and this year me and my best friend are being fairies. :) This is also the time of year when you get to carve pumpkins and that's always fun!
My favorite candies to get on Halloween are Reese's, Hershey's, Star burst, Twix, 3 Musketeers, M&M's, Snickers, Crunch, York Mints, Skittles, Milky Ways, 100 Grands, and Laffy Taffy's. I would have to say that the worst possible candies given out would have to be Whoppers (YUCK), Mr.Goodbar, anything with coconut, Kit Kat's, and Pop Rocks.
Normally when I go trick-or-treating, I always forget about the candy I have, and I always forget to eat it. So after a long time I look in my closet and finally realize it's there. So most of the time I just throw it away cause by the time I find it it's about Christmas time. (ha ha)
In previous years, some of the things I have dressed up as were, a Powerpuff Girl, a witch, a pageant queen, and angel, a clown and a rock star. I would have to say one of the best parts of Halloween would be dressing up.
Another thing that reminds me of Halloween when I think about it is scary movies. I am not a fan of scary movies, and I hardly ever watch them. The only scary movie I have seen was Prom Night, and to be honest it wasn't even scary, but of course I got scared and couldn't sleep the first night I watched it. I wish I enjoyed scary movies but for some reason I just don't.
I always enjoy seeing what everyone dresses up for Halloween, cause that's that fun of it. I really don't think it's weird high schooler' s still go trick-or-treating. Of course maybe when you get to college your a little old, but hey that's when you get to go to all those awesome Halloween parties!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
New York City!

This past summer I went on vacation to New York. It was by far one of my favorite vacations, and defiantly one that I will always remember. It was very hectic in New York, but it was what I had imagined it being. The streets were so crowded and half of the time it wasn’t even rush hour. People were always pushing past each other running to get wherever they needed to go, and I also remember the constant stream of traffic in the streets and the constant honking of horns especially from the cab drivers.
The traffic was insane, and normally pedestrians have the right away but nope not in New York City. It was always cross the street at your own risk. I would always step in the street to cross and some insane cab driver would come and speed past seconds after I jumped back trying to avoid getting hit, and I always tried to ignore the honks. This was definitely not what Livonia was like.
When my family and I were in New York, we saw a lot of neat and exciting things. Of course since traffic was so bad our main mode of transportation was to walk, and if not, it was the subway. Since I had never rode a subway before I was kind of excited, ha-ha. We got to visit Ground-zero, where the twin towers used to be. The construction workers were busy at work, and it was sad to see that this was the spot where the planes hit on 9-11. Another neat thing we went to see was the Statue of Liberty. It was very neat to see, and I was told that part of the statue had real gold on it, and I really couldn’t believe that considering the statue stood there in all sorts of weather, but it was true, there was real gold on the statue. Pretty neat huh?
I was always excited to go to Times Square at night because it was always dark, and everything was lit up and it was absolutely gorgeous! Times Square was where most of the shops were, so of course while we were there we did a little shopping! While we were there we also visited the New York Stock Exchange, and that was pretty neat to see! Although we did have to walk around a lot, it was definitely worth it. If you ever get a chance to go to New York you should go because you will have a blast. Oh, and while your there don’t forget to try their pizza! :)
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