Ahh, Christmas time! This has to be one of my favorite times of the year, and not just because of the presents, but because of the great times it brings. Sure the presents are nice, I mean come on who couldn't agree with that! I feel Christmas is a time to spend with your family, and enjoy the company with them.
Another one of my favorite parts of Christmas time is the snow. I absolutly love when it snows. Sure I could go without the cold weather but everything looks so pretty and perfect when it has just snowed. I love to go sledding in the snow also. I like skiing and snowboarding to, but i'm not very good at either of them. One time when my family and I went snowboarding, I literally fell about every 5 minutes. It was my first time going and it was fun, and I would definetely go again, I just think I need a little bit of practice first.
Christmas music always puts me in the spirit of Christmastime. Although they plan it a little early, it's still a lot of fun to listen too! Putting up the Christmas tree is always something fun my family & I do after Thanksgiving. We never normally get a real Christmas tree for some reason, but we still get to decorate it and everything. My house is also very decortive because my dad put up a ton of lights and decorations. I always like to see all the different decorations people put up!
For Christmas Eve, my family and I go over to my grandparents house. We get to eat a lovely meal, and then we go upstairs to open up presents. After that we get dessert. Soon after that we leave to go home, because my little sister has to get home fast to get to bed early! She still puts out those cookies for Santa..haha. On Christmas Eve my sisters and I also get to decorate cookies. (:
Early Christmas morning I am always woken up by my little sister saying "Katelyn! Get up it's Christmas!" I sigh and roll over everytime and say "Ugh! Give me 5 more minutes! " Of course she wouldn't listen to me so I get dragged out of bed around 7:30 or 8 every Christmas. We all open our presents, then I usually just go back to bed because I am still exhausted. Later that day we go over to my other grandpa and grandma's house to open presents and eat dinner together. It's always a fun night!
I really like this picture!